Creating and perfecting web copy for international pharmaceutical company Neuraxpharm

When an international pharmaceutical company approached us via a referral to write content for their redesigned corporate website in UK English, we were happy to help.

Neuraxpharm wanted writers with experience in health matters as well as journalism and communications, to ensure the content was not only engaging but also scientifically solid and trustworthy. With our decades of combined experience working within health-related communications, we were the ideal fit.

Thank you so much for delivering such good quality content. Please also transfer our gratitude to the rest of your team!

Maria Lemonidou, Corporate Digital Marketing Manager, Neuraxpharm

Neuraxpharm, based in Barcelona, Spain, describe themselves as “a European leader in pharmaceuticals for disorders affecting the central nervous system (CNS)”. Their aim is to make improvements to existing pharmaceuticals and upgrades to new products, to better the life and wellbeing of patients living with neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Researching, editing, writing and proofreading

In the centre of the image, we see a young woman in a white lab coat reaching for something from the stacked shelves behind her. The shelves display various medicines and bottles of tablets.

We were tasked with writing content in a range of styles, including corporate pages directed at potential investors, and healthcare pages on CNS-related conditions and general wellness aimed at the end consumer (patients).

The work involved researching, writing, editing and proofreading over 100,000 words of public-facing content.

We created 24 comprehensive healthcare pages on different topics. Each was around 4,000 words long and outlined:

  • The conditions or concerns
  • The symptoms that may be present
  • Causes and risk factors
  • Diagnoses
  • Treatment and medication
  • Prevention
  • Relevant scientific studies

This was an extensive piece of work that involved many hours of web-based research including patient information and academic papers and associated academic referencing.

Most of the pages we produced followed a pre-defined structure determined by a separate SEO project the client had commissioned. However, we suggested alternative structures where required to better suit particular conditions and the best format for UK English.

These pages would provide an opportunity to communicate directly with their end users and promote additional consumer healthcare products, so we ensured the language used was clear and approachable.

We also wrote and edited many of the website’s corporate pages, directed at a professional audience (including potential investors). This involved writing about the organisation, their executive committee, and their product portfolio.

A collaborative team approach

This project was a perfect opportunity to showcase our team approach at Sorted Communications. Six writers, our operations manager and our proofreader worked together to produce 24 pages of engaging public-facing content for 18 psychological and neurological disorders, and six health and wellness conditions, all with a consistent tone of voice, style, and academic referencing system. We also wrote and edited corporate content directed towards potential clients and investors. Working to tight deadlines, we were able to provide a flexible extra pair of hands to Neuraxpharm and have everything ready in time for their new website launch.

For more information about Neuraxpharm, go to