Keeping clients’ social media on point

Several people's hands take up the centre of the image. Overlayed on top are various social media-themed images, for example: 23 message notifications, 19 comments, 17 'likes'.

Social media is a crucial tool in any company or organisation’s arsenal. It’s proven to be one of the most effective ways to get messages out there quickly and to the people who need to see them.

We’ve helped several of our clients with social media – from crafting a couple of tweets to promote their latest blog, right through to creating entire content plans.

Crafting content for a charity

Towards the end of 2022, we worked with a London-based charity, essentially taking charge of their entire social media output. The charity held regular events on a weekly or monthly basis, in a variety of locations around London and also virtually, and we created social posts for all of them across all four of their social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

We promoted support groups, encouraged sign-ups for the free monthly newsletter, and signposted to resources and blogs on their website. For ease of delivery, we were given login details for each account, which enabled us to schedule posts via our own scheduling platform.

Alongside crafting copy for each social media post (over thirty posts per week) we also sourced appropriate images to accompany them. As the charity worked with blind and partially-sighted people, we needed to write image descriptions to ensure accessibility for their audience.

Having us there to take care of the social media aspect, from crafting the copy, to creating an appropriate schedule, to gathering analytics data, meant that the charity could focus more time and attention on delivering services to the people who needed them.

Campaigning for local residents to get outdoors

We’d been working with a local city council on their quarterly newsletter when they approached us for help with their summer campaign to encourage residents to get outdoors. We helped create an extensive social media plan, promoting various activities around the city that residents could get involved with. This included accessible walking trails; cycling routes; clubs and events; and ‘treasure hunts’ for families to do around the city over the summer holidays. The city council had a presence on three platforms: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, so we needed slightly adapted copy for each platform to ensure maximum effect.

When the autumn term began, content evolved into a ‘back to school’ theme, which meant creating a series of differentiated ‘challenges’ for children to complete on their walk to school, as well as relevant copy to promote them on social media.

We liaised with the council’s transport and education teams to ensure everything was being covered and also promoted various events on an ad hoc basis, often within very tight deadlines.

All content was created in a spreadsheet, which was shared with and reviewed by the client on a weekly basis. We also sourced and provided appropriate images to go alongside the posts (including creating graphics for Instagram).

Local councils have an extensive range of responsibilities towards their residents, and by stepping in to take care of this particular campaign, we were able to help lighten the load.

Promoting reports, projects, campaigns and events

As part of an ongoing campaign to recognise and celebrate the diversity of its workforce, one client asked us to research all relevant awareness days and religious festivals and create a series of informative posts about them on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. They also asked for guidance on graphics to use with them.

To make this happen, we carried out extensive research into which religious festivals and awareness days the organisation should recognise during the year. On a monthly basis, we sent suggested posts and imagery for all festivals and awareness days happening in the coming month, which the client could then use across their social media platforms.

We often help with smaller-scale social media tasks too, when clients just need a couple of posts doing for their latest report or blog. With some of our clients we have a standing agreement that whenever we write a blog post, we also write a few social posts to go with it. It’s an effective use of everyone’s time for our writers to do this while they’re drafting the blog post itself.

Over the years, we’ve adapted our social media support to fit our clients’ needs – sometimes supporting at a campaign level; other times just writing one or two posts when they’re needed.

Whether we’re logging in to your accounts to manage the output directly, or simply crafting a few posts for you to use when they’re ready, our flexible set-up means we can step in quickly to help keep your social media profiles active and attractive.