Minding the (vacancy) gap and providing internal comms support for East Midlands Trains

Vacancy gaps can be a real issue for communications teams; they need to take the time to run an effective recruitment campaign to find the best new staff member, but they also need cover straight away.

That was the case with East Midlands Trains, where we stepped in to cover a role in internal communications while they worked on filling the post permanently.

Image shows an eight-carriage East Midlands Trains train moving along a railway track. The train is decorated with yellow, red, orange and blue streaks of colour.

Flexible, professional support at short notice

Working two days a week, we ran the staff newsletter and kept their intranet up to date, researching, writing and editing articles on company and industry news, team updates and general features. This meant accessing their online systems and ensuring that both media held consistent information and were reader-friendly and interesting for staff.

We also supported their popular staff awards programme by promoting the scheme and helping with practical details like arranging certificates and trophies.

Our ability to step in and offer flexible, professional support at short notice and for a limited but undetermined period made us the perfect stopgap for the team.