Perfecting the promotional output of finance boutique Goodman Corporate Finance

When Paul Goodman, director at Goodman Corporate Finance, approached us for support with marketing, we were able to offer a tailored copywriting service that covered both his company and his personal board membership of the National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers and sports charity CP Sport.

Thanks to the support of Ali and her team I always have the greatest confidence, even when delivering important speeches and presentations to hundreds of people from within our industry. They’re very easy to work with, and their support and professionalism is always appreciated. It is great to have Sorted Communications on board.

Paul Goodman, Director, Goodman Corporate Finance

The image centres on a row of small stacks of coins, in increasing heights from left to right. They are sat on top of a sheet of paper, which displays a bar chart.

Adding our expert skills to our client’s capability

Paul had clear ideas about the promotional work he wanted to be done but at the same time recognised that copywriting isn’t in his core skillset and isn’t the best use of his time.

By adding our copywriting skills to the marketing ‘nous’ of Paul and his colleagues, we’ve now successfully worked together to produce a new website, press releases, features and opinion pieces for both the media and corporate publications, client case studies, speeches, presentations and introductions to annual reports.

Supporting Paul to promote both his personal and the company’s professional reputation on the national stage through some interesting times in the world of corporate finance is always a pleasure. And, judging by the above quote from Paul, we think they agree.

For more information about Goodman Corporate Finance, go to