Providing general comms support for a variety of tasks within NHS Nottingham City CCG

Our extensive experience in health communications proved to be invaluable in supporting Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group’s in-house communications team.

[Working as The Effective English Company], Sorted Communications provided flexible, reliable support to our communications team. They are highly competent copywriters and outstanding at editing and proofreading. Their organisational skills and attention to detail are quite extraordinary. I would not hesitate to recommend them.

Sarah Hewitt, Head of Communications, NHS Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group (at time of assignment)

The image centres on the torso a woman sat at a white table. She is gesturing to a clipboard in front of her, and in the foreground we see the hands of the person she's speaking to.

With a background in and knowledge of all areas of the NHS – from commissioning or buying services to providing community, acute hospital and mental health care – we were perfectly placed to help the CCG promote its local services.

Our supporting role meant we picked up a variety of tasks as and when needed over a period of four years. We wrote, edited and project-managed four different regular newsletters for healthcare professionals including GPs and other partners; we wrote numerous press releases for the local media to raise awareness of services; we supported annual general meetings and other partner and public engagement events; we also made sure the CCG’s website was kept up to date and managed design and print on a range of projects in addition to meeting their copywriting needs.

We created not only general communications but also targeted publications such as a guide to services for university students, supporting leaflets for telehealth service users and people taking part in an inhaler technique project, and awareness-raising materials about personal health budgets.

We also worked closely with the Head of Communications on campaigns to communicate significant service changes and encourage behavioural change and awareness relating to flu vaccinations and A&E attendances. These campaigns involved planning and creating display advertising on buses, bus shelters, phone boxes and taxis, and large-scale banners mounted on the city’s council building.

We also worked to promote public consultations into new service developments, helping ensure the CCG met its statutory requirements, and supported copywriting, design and distribution of the organisation’s annual reports.

Our range of skills and experience combined with our ability to work remotely meant we could offer this support to the CCG’s in-house team on a regular and ad hoc basis, as a flexible addition to their team.