
How we work

We charge a simple hourly rate, regardless of the type of work we do; just send us tasks as and when you have anything that needs doing and we’ll get it sorted. Our ad hoc rate is £95 per hour, or choose from our range of flexible packages for a cost-effective solution. We can also provide a fixed quote for your project. For more information, please contact us. All costs are plus VAT.

Pricing packages


It’s summertime (no matter what the British weather might think) and we know that your team may be a bit thin on the ground as colleagues take some well-earned holiday. So, we’re holding a limited-time offer across all of our standard packages to help lighten the load. Buy any of our packages before 31 August and receive a massive 20% discount! Drop us a line quoting ‘Sorted summer sale’ to get started today.


£ 799
  • 15 hours of support
  • Valid for 3 months
New clients


£ 1,400
  • 20 hours of support
  • Valid for 6 months


£ 2,600
  • 40 hours of support
  • Valid for 6 months


£ 6,000
  • 100 hours of support
  • Valid for 6 months


£ 7,960
  • 150 hours of support
  • Valid for 6 months

All package options are invoiced in full in advance. We’ll send you a statement every month showing how many hours you’ve used and the expiry date. When your package runs out we’ll invite you to buy another package or switch to ad hoc pricing for maximum flexibility.

Know someone who could use us? Put them in touch with us and we’ll give you five hours of our time completely free as a ‘thank you’ when they sign up (or transfer the hours to them as a welcome gift if you prefer).

Small businesses and registered charities can receive a 10% discount across all packages.

Not sure how long you need?

There are a number of factors that affect how long a piece of work takes. The list below shows how long some example tasks might take:

Write 4 pages of website copy

5 hours

Research and write a case study

4 hours

Edit 6 pages of text

3 hours

Prepare a newsletter article

2 hours

Proofread 2,000 words

1 hour

This is not an exhaustive list. Mix and match tasks and use your hours in whatever way is most useful for you. 

Get started today

A pair of hands type on a Macbook Pro. Behind the laptop is a calculator, sheets of paper, and a fountain pen.

For an estimate of how long a piece of work will take, or a quote for your project, please drop us a line.

Complete the form or give us a call on 0115 678 6727.

"*" indicates required fields

Frequently asked questions

We offer a range of flexible package options which are outlined here as well as an ad hoc hourly option for smaller jobs. 

If you don’t think any of our standard packages would work for you, we are always happy to discuss a bespoke arrangement. We can also agree a fixed quote for a specific project.

Behind the scenes, we have a calculator which we can use to get a good idea of how long a piece of work will take and we can use that to help you decide which package to choose.

To find out more and discuss the best approach for you, please contact us for a chat.

The start date of your package is the date we raise the invoice for it. The start date and expiry date will be shown on your statements.

Our standard packages are valid for 6 months. At the end of this period, any hours remaining may be rolled over to the next month up to a maximum of one year from the package start date. Once the package validity has expired, hours rolled over are subject to a 10% deduction each month.

We use a task management system which allows us to track all our work and record how long we’ve spent on each task or project. We use this information to send you a statement at the beginning of each month so you can see your balance. If you’d like to know how long any individual task has taken or would like a balance update at any time during the month, just let us know and we can give you up to date figures.

Yes! If you refer us to someone, and they sign up, we’ll give you five hours of our time completely free as a ‘thank you’ (or transfer the free hours to them as a welcome gift). For more details, drop us a line or visit our terms and conditions page.

What our clients say

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