Customer commitment statement

We are committed to providing a high-quality service to all our clients. We welcome all feedback and seek to learn lessons from any negative experience. This will help us improve our standards.

Our commitment to you

We will:

  • Provide you with clear information about the service we offer, including fees, validity periods and terms and conditions
  • Understand your individual requirements before recommending a package
  • Not agree to work on anything we don’t believe we can deliver
  • Encourage you to ask if there’s something you don’t understand
  • Look after your requirements before, during and after you have agreed to work with us
  • Let you know if your package is due to expire before you’ve used all your hours or if your hours are going to run out
  • Provide access to a formal complaints procedure should you become unhappy with our service

How you can help us

To help us give you the most appropriate advice, we will ask you to:

  • Tell us as much as you can about your requirements to make sure we can offer you the most suitable package
  • Let us know about changes that might affect the work required, such as deadlines or project scope
  • Let us know if there is any aspect of our service you don’t understand
  • Submit any documents we need to set up your package promptly · Tell us if you think there are ways we can improve our service

We recognise that the success of our company depends on looking after the best interests of our customers and treating them fairly at all times.

For every successful referral our clients make, we offer five free hours of our time – either for our client to use themselves or to transfer to their referee. We also really appreciate testimonials that we can share on our website and social channels.