What makes Sorted, Sorted?

When the seeds of Sorted were sown over ten years ago, one of the most important aspects of growing the company was to build trust with our clients.

Against an image of a home office, on the left is the comms2point0 UnAwards logo and on the right is the Sorted Communications logo. Underneath the Sorted logo is a tag reading #SortedAtTheUnAwards

It’s hard to trust faceless businesses because you never really know who you’re dealing with. Here, we like to show our team off to the world and enthuse about how they can help you manage your workload.

You can see the smiley faces of our team here (well, and two feet for reasons lost to time). Everyone has a role to play, from Chris, our business development manager, who loves talking to people, to Jo E, our account manager and writer. Both of these lovely people will be at the upcoming UnAwards, taking place on 1 December 2023 in Birmingham. If you see them, smile and say hello! They will also be on stage presenting an award, so be sure to give plenty of cheers for that one.

There’s a slight competitive streak running through all of us at Sorted, which this year took the form of a sunflower growing competition. Chris won, so again, if you see him at the UnAwards, he probably deserves a handshake for this.

We are all 100% remote workers. When we meet, it’s on Teams, and that’s where we get together for monthly social events and Christmas get-togethers. This means we are flexible when it comes to working patterns and if you have a writing emergency, there’s usually someone able to help out. Many of us work before the kids go to school as well as after dinner, making us proactive and reactive to clients’ needs at any time of the day.

We’ve got professional experience across a range of industries, from healthcare to education and housing, so we know what working in these environments can feel like.

So, if you need some help reducing your workload and are looking for a team to write your blogs, press releases, articles or social media posts, then get in touch. We’re Sorted, and we’re ready and waiting to help you.